Search Engine Optimization

What is Search Engine Optimization? Search Engine Optimization is utilizing tactics and strategies in order to make your website show up better on a search engine search results page. There are various types of SEO including Technical SEO, Content SEO, Local SEO, Mobile SEO, and eCommerce SEO. All of which fall under the broad categories of either On-Page Search Engine Optimization or Off-Page Search Engine Optimization.

SEO Ranking Factors

There are numerous factors that play a role in how well your website ranks on Google or other search engines. Some of those factors are listed here along with an approximate percentage that each one contributes to your search engine results position. This is not a comprehensive list. There are many more factors and the search engines are constantly updating their algorithms. It requires constant monitoring and testing in order to find out what works the best for your website.

SEO ranking factors based on multiple studies

25% – HTTPS/Domain level
20% – Backlinks
15% – Page load speed
13% – Page level links & keywords
12% – Original content
8% – Social signals
7% – Other factors

Local SEO refers to optimizing your website so that it shows up when people are searching for your services or products locally to them. For instance, if a person is searching for a product that your website sells and adds “near me” to their search criteria, then you would like to show up in the search results for them so that they know that you have the product and are close to them geographically.

In addition, the search engines also have what is known as a “local pack” of results. These are business listings that display on a map for the potential customer so that they can see where your store is physically located. On Google, these are called Google My Business listings and on Bing they are called Bing Places. These, along with other third-party directories such as Yelp, need to be claimed, verified, and optimized in order for you to start showing up.

You have probably heard the term thrown around before, but what does it actually mean? A backlink in simple terms is when another website has a link that takes someone to your website. The search engines take a look at your links and rewards you for having more links. However, these links also need to be high quality links and you can actually get penalized (not show up in the search results) if you build links the wrong way.

There are many tactics and strategies that go in to building backlinks. Luckily, we have experience building high quality backlink profile for our clients and would be glad to discuss more with you.

Keyword or key phrase are used interchangeably to describe a word or phrase that you would like to show up for in the search results. A lot of research goes in to finding the exact keywords/phrases that your website should show up for.

We have many different tools that we utilize in order to find what word or phrases can potentially drive you the highest amount of quality traffic. That means that we target not only getting more people to your site, but people who are also interested in purchasing your product or service.

Technical SEO is a broad term that refers to any work done that helps search engines crawl and index your website. This can include but not be limited to adding markup to the website, creating sitemaps, adjusting meta tags, adding code such as JavaScript, or linking.

It helps to have HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other coding knowledge in order to correctly implement some types of Technical SEO. If you’d like to learn more about this, then feel free to reach out to us.

On-Page Optimization

Making sure your website is clean, crawl­able, user­friendly, and geared towards your specific keywords. Specifically tell search engines what your site is about and comply to their standards. Below are some of the on page optimization services we offer:

  • Keyword Research & Keyword Insights

  • Correct Title Tags & Meta Descriptions

  • Fix Meta Descriptions

  • Ongoing Site Audits & Page Speed Analysis

  • URL Structure & Content Recommendations

  • Many more factors…

Off-Page Optimization

Everything other than your website, that has an impact on your website. This would include backlinks, social media, news articles, and a wide variety of other online occurrences that involve your company. Below are some of the off page optimization services we offer:

  • Outreach & Quality Link Building

  • Opportunity Research & Competitor Insights

  • NAP Optimization & Third Party Directories

  • Link Profile Analysis & Link Disavows

  • Google My Business & Bing Places Setup

  • Many more factors…

What’s the difference between Paid and Organic listings?


Real People. Real Results.

We know what it’s like to need to speak to a real person and get some real answers. We pride ourselves on giving you the support you need during the process and are willing to speak to you about any concerns you may have.

Find out more about our SEO options: